Why Aren’t More CEOs Women? 4 Ways Corporations Can Clear The Path

While more women are rising to the top of the corporate ladder, a question persists: Why do female CEOs still comprise a small percentage of the highest leadership positions? Research underscores women’s capabilities as corporate leaders and their positive effects on organizations. An extensive worldwide survey showed that having women at the C-suite level significantly […]

A business woman holding a sign saying Chief Executive Officer

WAKE UP: Why Society Needs to Embrace Stay-at-Home-Dads

As the husband of a successful female executive, I am more than familiar with the social stigmas placed on stay-at-home-dads. In my years of being my children’s primary caregiver, I’ve experienced it many times. I recall one story from my book, Lean On, that might help to shine a bit more perspective on my personal […]

Six Long-Distance Date Night Ideas for Women in Leadership

As the husband of a busy female executive, I will tell you that I don’t see my wife as much as I would like. Whether she’s working late nights or overseas on business, the time spent apart can really take its toll on the relationship. Being a hopeless romantic and a man who truly loves […]