
Do men have to work, too? – Tales of Mr. Mom

Tales of Mr. Mom – Do men have to work, too? 

Keynote and Workshop

For Stay-At-Home Dad groups, women conferences, Young Professional meetings and Mastermind groups

Traditional gender roles are broken every day by modern families. The mother becomes the main breadwinner and the father becomes a Stay-At-Home Dad. This model is not the new norm yet but is a good alternative.

In this program, Andreas shares insights on being a Stay-At-Home Dad from his 12 years’ experience. This non-traditional family model is becoming more and more important in today’s world and the fight for gender equality.


Andreas outlines the challenges Stay-At-Home Dads and families are facing. The program discusses:

  • What are some of the main factors a husband/father and wife/mother should consider and discuss when deciding whether the family is best served by the father staying home with the children?
  • What are some of the negative assumptions people make of the stay-at-home dad, and how can he overcome them?
  • It is not babysitting but called parenting
  • What are some conflicts that can come up in a marriage due to the stay-at-home-dad scenario, and how can a couple deal with them?
  • How can a marriage grow stronger when the dad stays home with the children?

Participants will come away from this program with:

  • A better understanding of the challenges modern family models faces
  • Specific tools modern families can use to be stronger as a team
  • What does it mean to truly and fully “empower your partner”?
  • How can you support your partner in his/her role?

“Tales of Mr. Mom – Do man have to work, too?” can be delivered in formats ranging from a 20/30/60 minutes Keynotes to a half or full day seminar. The tools also provide rich material for breakouts or workshops following on from a keynote. This program can be adapted specifically to the needs of your audience.


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