Houston Family Magazine – When Dad Stays Home

As more women have joined the workforce, many are dedicated to growing their careers or running successful businesses. Those efforts often demand long hours, travel, and time away from home. And while it’s no longer unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family, another U.S. social dynamic has occurred in the wake […]

Parents Together – When Dad Stays Home

Women represent just under half of the total workforce in the U.S., and it’s no longer unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family. As this trend continues, another U.S. social dynamic has occurred among opposite-gendered couples: A substantial increase in the number of dads staying home as the primary caregiver for […]

Good Men Project – When Dad Stays Home

Over the last years I have always had the feeling that the holiday season is the time that non-traditional family roles like Female breadwinners, Stay-At-Home-Dad’s or many others are most exposed to social biases and misconceptions. Breaking the “normal” stereotypes can be an additional burden on the partnership. In my article published on “The Good […]

How to Balance Your Leadership Team

“Balancing men and women in leadership roles provides checks and balances and a wider lens to see through. The male and female brains think very differently, and different thoughts create different information. Men can support women in leadership roles by opening their minds to the possibilities and advantages of a truly balanced leadership team.” — […]

Provide Genuine, Authentic Support

Are You Undermining Women in the Workplace Without Realizing It? “I wish more men would offer genuine support with pure intentions — as if we were their sister, who they are rooting for. Look out for us, have our backs, encourage us, support our efforts and be there when we need to bounce something off […]

KFROG Radio Interview

Listen to Andreas Wilderer and Steven John Martinez talk about Stay-At-Home Dads. By Steven John: “While it’s not unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family, an increasing number of dads are staying home as the primary caregiver for the children. Andreas Wilderer, author of Lean On: The Five Pillars Of Support For […]

WOCA 1370 AM Radio Interview

Tune in and listen to Andreas Wilderer speak with Robin MacBlane and Larry Whitler about “How can marriage grow stronger together when dad stays home”.   Speaker 1: 1370 AM, 96.3 FM, The Source. Larry Whitler: All right, 25 minutes before 11 o’clock. Thank you for tuning in. This thing we call life is really […]

K104 Radio Interview

Tune in and listen to Andreas Wilderer, Jonna Spilbor and Keryl Pesce on K104 radio talk about “Being a Stay-At-Home-Dad the best move for your family?” on their show “Happy Hour with Jonna & Keryl”.       Jonna S.: Well, I’m going to say our guest today is a little bit of a departure […]

Maternity / Paternity Leave

Having lived in several countries, my wife and I have gained a new perspective on the differences of how each government operates. After the birth of our kids, it was the differences in each country’s maternity and paternity leave laws that became very interesting to us. While we had our son Dominik in the German […]

C-FAX 1070 Radio Interview

Tune in and listen to Andras Wilderer and Mark Brennae talking about Stay-At-Home Dads on Mark’s radio show “Afternoon Drive with Mark Brennae” on C-FAX 1070.     Speaker 1: This is Mark Brennae on CFAX 1070. Mark Brennae: 5:20 as we drive home together. It’s a growing profile in Canada, the stay-at-home dad, also […]