Andreas had the honor to talk with Rusty Shelton on his podcast about his book Lean On and what men can do to support female leaders. Listen to the full podcast here:
Four Things I Learned
Four Things I Learned About Being the Spouse of a Female CEO When my wife and I got married, we were both in the middle of our careers. She aspired to be a CEO, while I worked toward growing my own business. We both knew that becoming a CEO required an extensive amount of work […]

Andreas Is Sharing His “Oh Hell No” Moment
On this episode of The Oh Hell No Podcast K. Nicole talks to stay at home dad turned Author Andreas Wilderer about why he choose to be a stay at home dad and why he has made it his mission to encourage more men to support their wives and run the household instead of the […]

A Strength-Based Family
The Strengths Idea Strengths-based Leadership is nothing new. PhD Donald Clifton began researching this subject over 60 years ago. Since many others have built upon his findings. Most recently with the completion of his book StrengthsFinder 2.0 in 2001, Dr. Clifton was joined by both Tom Rath and Gallup to start what some might call […]

Gift Ideas
2019 Unusual Christmas Gift Ideas for Busy Families With Christmas nearly a week away, you might be in a pinch to find last-minute gifts. If your family is anything like ours, you’re likely not in the market for frivolous toys, gadgets or filler gifts. Thankfully, there are quite a few useful and educational presents you […]

Setting Goals
Family Goals: How to Set, Visualize and Track Yours It’s nearly a new year. For many people this is the time to make resolutions. For others, like me and my family, it’s the time we set our yearly goals. Before you say they are one and the same, they actually are not. According to Google, […]

KOA Radio Interview
Andreas Wilderer, author of Lean On: The Five Pillars Of Support For Women In Leadership, discusses with Ed Greene on “KOA Q and A”, the pros and cons of being a stay-at-home dad and how it actually can benefit your children, provide added support to a wife with a demanding career, and ultimately help make […]

First Time Parents – When Dad Stays Home
As more women have joined the workforce, many are dedicated to growing their careers or running successful businesses. Those efforts often demand long hours, travel, and time away from home. And while it’s no longer unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family, another U.S. social dynamic has occurred in the wake […]

Houston Family Magazine – When Dad Stays Home
As more women have joined the workforce, many are dedicated to growing their careers or running successful businesses. Those efforts often demand long hours, travel, and time away from home. And while it’s no longer unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family, another U.S. social dynamic has occurred in the wake […]

Parents Together – When Dad Stays Home
Women represent just under half of the total workforce in the U.S., and it’s no longer unusual for women to be the main breadwinner in their family. As this trend continues, another U.S. social dynamic has occurred among opposite-gendered couples: A substantial increase in the number of dads staying home as the primary caregiver for […]