A 2019 report shows that for the second time in history, women in the workforce have outnumbered men, but why? American Express guest blog writer, Julie Bawden-Davis spoke with our own Andreas Wilderer to get his take on what has fueled this extraordinary shift. You can read the full article that was published in americanexpress.com […]
Lean On Now Available as Audiobook
Today we’re delighted to announce that Lean On: The Five Pillars of Support for Women in Leadership is now available as an audiobook on Amazon. It’s been wonderfully narrated by Trevor Roberts and you can listen to a preview below. To get it on Amazon click: . […]

UPSIDE – The Business Growth Podcast
Andreas had the honor to talk with Rusty Shelton on his podcast about his book Lean On and what men can do to support female leaders. Listen to the full podcast here: https://advantagefamily.com/blog/podcasts/andreas-wilderer/

Four Things I Learned
Four Things I Learned About Being the Spouse of a Female CEO When my wife and I got married, we were both in the middle of our careers. She aspired to be a CEO, while I worked toward growing my own business. We both knew that becoming a CEO required an extensive amount of work […]

Why Aren’t More CEOs Women? 4 Ways Corporations Can Clear The Path
While more women are rising to the top of the corporate ladder, a question persists: Why do female CEOs still comprise a small percentage of the highest leadership positions? Research underscores women’s capabilities as corporate leaders and their positive effects on organizations. An extensive worldwide survey showed that having women at the C-suite level significantly […]